CoE Building First Aid Kits

There are first aid kits located throughout the UW-Madison Engineering campus, for use in the event of accidents or emergency incidents.

Report Items Taken!
If you take and use any items from the first aid kit, please report:

  1. What was taken
  2. The quantity

This allows CoE Safety staff the ability to replenish the kits inventory.

Report Injury
If an injury occurs from research or during your capacity at CoE, please report the injury to the Safety Department

This can be done by visiting: COE Safety Report Form

First Aid Kit Locations

Located on the first floor next to the elevator on top of the AED cabinet.

Located on the second floor across from the elevator and skybridge on the AED cabinet.

Located in the tool room of the Maker Space; please ask the front desk attendant for assistance.

Located on the first floor in Rm. 142, which serves as a breakroom.

Located on the first floor of E-Hall in the Engineering Career Services Office.