Campus Safety Links
Incidents and close calls in research may be the result of equipment malfunction, an unexpected reaction during a new process, lack of experience with a procedure or equipment, or even a moment of inattention. When incidents or close calls occur, it is important to learn from them, to pass on our experience, and to help others avoid a similar experience.
Incidents and Lessons Learned
Nobel Laureate blinded in one eye due to lack of safety glasses
Wastewater Researcher receives chemical burn
Sodium quench reaction gone bad
MGPI chemical release (industrial scale)
Hot plate malfunctionFlourine gas leak from gas cabinet
Freeze / thaw flask implosion
Liquid nitrogen dewar spill
Lithium fire from accidental contact with water
Caustic splash to eyes
Molten salt bath explosion
Fatality due to HF exposure
Failure of a pressure vessel
Laboratory slip and fall from defrosting freezer ice
Other University web pages with Incidents and Lessons Learned
University of California Center for Lab Safety
University of Aukland, AU
University of Minnesota Joint Safety Team
Princeton University