Campus Safety Links
Inclement weather policy for employees
All UW–Madison employees are encouraged to review the campus inclement weather guidelines by clicking link above.
The Safety Office coordinates Continuity of Operation and Emergency Occupant planning for the College. It works closely with the UW Police Department’s Emergency Management Office to create and provide training serving to prepare the College for emergency events.
Emergency Procedures Guide, 2021
CoE Floor Captain Volunteer Registration
The position of Floor Captain is that of a volunteer, providing aid to other building occupants, visitors, and students in the event of an emergency. Floor captains are responsible for knowing all exit locations from occupied areas of their building. One of the responsibilities of a floor captain is to ensure occupants have evacuated the area. In cases where the floor captain identifies a person with a disability, or someone who needs evacuation assistance, they should either direct or escort the person to a designated “Area of Rescue Assistance” (ARA) or escort the person from the building. If the person is unable to evacuate with assistance, the floor captain should immediately provide the name and location of the individual needing evacuation to emergency evacuation personnel.
Emergency Occupant Plans: Federal Regulations (OSHA 1910.38) require that emergency plans be available to all employees for review. COE Safety has created a Canvas Course which has all Engineering building Occupant Emergency Plans (EOP) available for your review. This course is available through UW’s Office of Human Resources using the link above. You should take the time to review the EOP for your building(s) at least annually as contact information may change.
Fire Alarms: All individuals must leave the building by the nearest exit immediately when a fire alarm sounds. If you are the last individual in the lab or office, shut the door behind you. If possible, shut down any reactions that may result in an additional hazard if left unchecked. Move 100′ away from the building and do not attempt to re-enter the building until instructed to do so by emergency personnel.
Tornado Alarms: Seek shelter in interior rooms without windows.
Radiation Alarm (Mechanical Engineering Building): Exit the building to North only. Proceed to Engineering Centers Building until cleared for re-entry by emergency personnel.
Building Managers list
Building Manager Tasks:
- Point of contact with building occupants for facilities related concerns. Triage and determine next step needed to address the situation.
- Interface with Facilities Planning and Management (Maintenance and Custodial) to make sure they have access and are accomplishing tasks with minimal disruption to occupants. Develop relationships and provide occupants and lab/area managers with excellent customer service to assist with managing their needs and/or concerns.
- Assist with coordinating (email/postings) utility shutdowns for the building(s). Utilities include: power, water, lab utility, and HVAC related shutdowns that may impact research or general building occupants.
- Perform building inspections of interior public spaces. Create work orders and track to make sure work is being completed in a timely manner. Assist building occupants on submitting work orders as needed. Quarterly inspections of exterior of building(s), adjacent grounds areas, and exterior doors to make sure they are closing/locking. Assist with coordination of space cleanups.